"Good Faith Network"
Back in 2021, we started out as “the Johnson County Interfaith Justice Organization,” but that was always meant to be a temporary name - sort of a working title. Ultimately, we wanted a name that was selected by the members of the organization.
Of course, no name could possibly say everything about who we are. There’s a sense in which our name functions as only the title to our story.
Our story is that we are an interfaith justice group, woven together from many different congregations throughout Johnson County, with the purpose of identifying the most pressing problems in our community, conducting research to discover solutions to those problems, and speaking with one voice to our local leaders to press for the adoption of those solutions.
Our story is that we engage in this work as an expression of our diverse faith traditions. For each of us it is our faith that compels us to seek the common good together, to work for justice, to speak the truth about what is happening in our community, and to call for honesty and fairness in how the vulnerable are treated. That will be the story of this interfaith organization for years to come.
As a naming committee reflected on that story, a concept emerged from several of the ideas that were submitted from across the network. Gradually, one phrase began to stand out.
That phrase was good faith. “Good faith” as in the sense of our open, honest dealings with each other and our neighbors. “Good faith” as in the best of what our faiths have to offer; the most virtuous aspects of our diverse faith traditions. “Good faith” as in a recognition of all the good that can happen when people of faith come together to work for justice.
“Good faith” reflects the heart of this organization and our hopes and dreams for what we can become together.